The Somercotes Parish Council Web Site is a guide to local services, events, news and useful contact numbers
Contact Us:

Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
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Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

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Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status

DIG DAY! At The Feature Garden Site
by Parish Council on Sunday 5 March 2017

31st January 2017 was the day that Groundwork (Crestra Ltd) commenced excavating the Feature Garden site, adjacent to the Village Hall, Market Place Car Park. 

Chairman and Members of the Council at commencement of works

The theme of the feature is to celebrate the community by providing information on the community’s heritage; buildings and local industry past and present.

The site at present is a bare plot of land.  We at the Council have a vision for this to be a welcoming space, accessible to all.   We can’t wait to see the finished project, which should be completed by the end of March 2017.

During the works the parking bays adjacent to the plot are out of use.  As some of these bays are designated Disabled, the Council asks that the consideration is given to Blue Badge holders for the remaining Disabled Bays.

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