The Somercotes Parish Council Web Site is a guide to local services, events, news and useful contact numbers
Contact Us:

Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

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Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status

Parish Council

Parish Council Office 01773 603 810
Parish Hall
(Bookings & Caretaker)
07516 493 430

Borough Council

Amber Valley Council 01773 570 222
Benefits Customer Services 01773 841 470
Bulky Waste Collection
(Household Items Only)
01773 841 326
Cemeteries 01773 841 565
Council Tax Helpline 01773 841 440
Dog Control 01773 841 335
Electoral Registration 01773 841 634
Parks & Play Areas 01773 841 572
Pest Control 01773 841 335
Planning Applications 01773 841 571
Planning Enforcement 01773 841 595
Pollution 01773 841 308
Sharps / Needles Hotline
(Report any syringes or needles)
08000 925 131

County Council

Derbyshire County Council
(For Reporting Problems)
01629 533190
Somercotes Library 01773 540 514

Central Government

Nigel Mills MP
0207 219 7233
Nigel Mills MP
(Amber Valley MP)
01773 744 341

Help & Advice

Amber Valley Housing Ltd
(Housing advice service)
01773 573 100
Derbyshire Housing Aid 01332 287 850
Mid Derbyshire CAB 08447 010101
National Debtline 0808 808 4000
Payplan Debt Advice 0800 917 7823
Shelter Helpline 0808 808 4444

Emergency Services

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue 01332 771 221
Derbyshire Police
(Non-Urgent Reports)
Neighbourhood Watch 01773 572 938
Victim Support 08453 030 900

Medical & Health

NHS Direct 0845 46 47
UK Flu Information Line 0800 1 513 513

Schools & Education

Somercotes Infant School 01773 602 849
Somerlea Park Junior School 01773 602 258


Central Networks
(Loss of Electricity Helpline)
0800 056 8090
Floodline 0845 988 1188
Gas Emergency Line 0800 111 999
Severn Trent Water
(Leaks & Floods)
0800 783 4444

Sports & Leisure

Alfreton Leisure Centre 01773 523 325
Ripley Leisure Centre 01773 514 727
Selston Leisure Centre 01773 781 800
Somerlea Park Centre 01773 514 727
William Gregg VC Leisure Centre 01773 537 940

Churches & Religion

Peniel Christian Centre 01773 608 737
The Salvation Army Hall 01623 406 147

Vets & Pet Services

Alfreton Park Veterinary Hospital 01773 832218

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