Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

Amber Valley Borough Councillors
Birchwood Methodist Church
Derbyshire County Council
Dog Fouling & Litter
Leabrooks Christian Centre
Library Services
Needle Disposal
Parish Council
Pennytown Ponds Nature Reserve
Somercotes Infant School
Somerlea Park Junior School
St Thomas Parish Church
The Salvation Army Hall
Village Hall
Waste Disposal

Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status
by Parish Council on Monday 16 September 2013
Somercotes Parish Council has three allotment garden sites Birchwood Lane Allotments, Leabrooks Allotments (Bridle Lane, Leabrooks) and Sleetmoor Lane (known originally as Flash Allotments). The Allotment gardens are run by the individual Allotment Associations, details are on the back page of the newsletter. The rise in local people taking allotment plots to ‘grow their own’ produce is now a big part of the community and a good way to save money, as well as having your own tasty vegetables to eat. An allotment plot tenancy is easy to obtain and low cost compared too many areas so if you are interested contact the appropriate allotment association.
Birchwood Lane: During the winter / spring month’s 15 new plots became available for tenancy and there are 7 or 8 still available. The Allotment Association is continually seeking to improve the site and would welcome new tenants. The site has porta-loos and an allotment shop to help tenants with purchasing seeds and equipment.
Leabrooks Allotments: The Allotment Association has in the past 12 months worked on improving the facilities installing new gates and new water stand-pipes. New ‘Compus’ toilets will be installed in the next couple of months, subject to Planning Permission, thanks to a £9k funding from the National Lottery ‘Awards For All’ award. The allotment site has a few full and half size plots vacant for tenancy.
Sleetmoor Lane Allotments: Many people will know the site as ‘Flash Allotments’ that has now been renamed as Sleetmoor Lane. For the last 2-3 years the site has gradually been reclaimed and brought back into use and last year a new water pipe line was re-installed to the troughs to provide water for members to irrigate their plots. The allotment association would welcome new members who would enjoy working the land. There are several plots available and a large area that could be reclaimed, should this be necessary.