Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

Amber Valley Borough Councillors
Birchwood Methodist Church
Derbyshire County Council
Dog Fouling & Litter
Leabrooks Christian Centre
Library Services
Needle Disposal
Parish Council
Pennytown Ponds Nature Reserve
Somercotes Infant School
Somerlea Park Junior School
St Thomas Parish Church
The Salvation Army Hall
Village Hall
Waste Disposal

Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status
by Parish Council on Monday 23 December 2013
This event was held from Monday 21st to Friday 25th October. Headteacher Sarah Sissons said the event was arranged in order to give the children an early idea of the kind of opportunities there are for them in the outside world, and the type of jobs in their own community. She said the children should know that for them “the sky’s the limit – if they want to be astronauts they can be”.
On Wednesday people from several local organisations attended the school, including Nathan Hutchinson from Amber Valley CVS, who, when he wasn’t blowing up balloons for the children, was handing out leaflets about various volunteering schemes, including Befriending & Home from Hospital , and Help at Home. Staff from Futures Homescape gave out leaflets about their various services, including Money Advice, Community Rangers, and Resident Involvement. Derbyshire County Council Children’s Centre and Adult Education Centre were also present, with displays and leaflets for children and their parents. Derbyshire County Council also gave out leaflets on healthy eating, and alcohol awareness, and also provided fun but educational games and puzzles. PCSO Chris Bannister of our Safer Neighbourhood Team, together with Meikel Miller, a PCSO from Riddings and Ironville, brought leaflets on various matters including Neighbourhood Watch and a Highway Code for young road users. Vicki Swift, Family Project Manager of the Derby Centre of DBS Training attended with information on the organisation’s training schemes. Paul Williams, Louise Cooper, Mark Cooper and Stacey Stoppard of Somercotes Scout Group entertained the children with games. County Councillors Paul Smith and Borough Councillors John McCabe and Brian Lyttle attended the event during the week.