Somercotes Parish Council
Somercotes Village Hall
Nottingham Road
Derbyshire, DE55 4LY
Send us an EMail
Administration: 01773 603810
Bookings: 01773 609397

Amber Valley Borough Councillors
Birchwood Methodist Church
Derbyshire County Council
Dog Fouling & Litter
Leabrooks Christian Centre
Library Services
Needle Disposal
Parish Council
Pennytown Ponds Nature Reserve
Somercotes Infant School
Somerlea Park Junior School
St Thomas Parish Church
The Salvation Army Hall
Village Hall
Waste Disposal

Somercotes Parish Council
has been awarded
Quality Parish Council status
Against the Pye Bridge Incinerator
by AVAIN on Tuesday 5 July 2011
AVAIN members protested on Saturday to show their opposition to the proposed Incinerator at Pye Bridge Industrial Estate. Members of the group came from Somercotes, Riddings, Leabrooks, Alfreton, Ironville, Jacksdale, Pye Bridge and Ripley to show their unhappiness with the idea of having an incinerator so close to residences and their children's schools.
Around 100 protesters of all ages marched from Riddings Community Centre to the proposed site of the incinerator, then finished by marching on the entrance to Pye Bridge Industrial Estate. Police controlled the crowds and the event passed peacefully.
AVAIN chairman Simon Lee spoke about the unwillingness of Amber Valley Borough Council to conduct Air Quality Monitoring to assess current levels of pollution in the area. After attending the council cabinet meeting on Wednesday 29th June he was shocked to see the Conservative majority vote against a motion to conduct Air Quality Monitoring in the area. 'These councillors are playing Party politics with our health' said Mr Lee.
Mr Lee also urged protestors to 'keep up the fight for as long as it takes, as many people still think this proposal is a done deal'. He also drew attention to the recently published AVAIN objection Document which was submitted to Derbyshire County Council. This 75-page document contains the research undertaken by the group against the proposal over the past 10 months. This document is currently available online at
AVAIN now plan to continue to lobby the Planning Committee at Derbyshire County Council and will be organising a mass protest when the proposal finally comes to be considered at County Hall Matlock. At present no date has been set for the committee to make a decision on whether to grant planning permission to the developer Warwick Energy.